Hidden Treasure - March, 2013
March, 2013 at Hidden Treasure, our home on Anegada
of 100 |
![Henrique is six. New teeth coming!](images/130302-093118_t.jpg) 03/02/13 9:31 AM |
![Henrique is six. New teeth coming!](images/130302-093132_t.jpg) 03/02/13 9:31 AM |
![My helper doing cabinet work](images/130302-110429_t.jpg) 03/02/13 11:04 AM |
![Nancy's new feet from Lily Kneafsey.](images/130302-171219_t.jpg) 03/02/13 5:12 PM |
![Nancy's new feet from Lily Kneafsey.](images/130302-171230_t.jpg) 03/02/13 5:12 PM |
![Nancy's new feet from Lily Kneafsey.](images/130302-171239_t.jpg) 03/02/13 5:12 PM |
![New treasure from the sea. A MetOcean iSphere. Used for tracking oil spills. That "DO NOT TAMPER WITH" means "OPEN ME NOW"! http://www.metocean.com/ProdCat.aspx?CatId=1&SubCatId=5&ProdId=2](images/130302-173040_t.jpg) 03/02/13 5:30 PM |
![New treasure from the sea. A MetOcean iSphere. Used for tracking oil spills. That "DO NOT TAMPER WITH" means "OPEN ME NOW"! http://www.metocean.com/ProdCat.aspx?CatId=1&SubCatId=5&ProdId=2](images/130302-173240_t.jpg) 03/02/13 5:32 PM |
![Doing what boys do - we take things apart when we find them.](images/130302-171119_t.jpg) 03/02/13 5:11 PM |
![Doing what boys do - we take things apart when we find them.](images/130302-171127_t.jpg) 03/02/13 5:11 PM |
![The inside of the new treasure. The top half contains the electronics bay. The black object on the edge of the green disk is an ocean temperature sensor.](images/130302-172650_t.jpg) 03/02/13 5:26 PM |
![The inside of the new treasure - the bottom half contains the power supply.](images/130302-172700_t.jpg) 03/02/13 5:27 PM |
![Electronics deck: A GPS and an Iridium satellite communications transceiver.](images/130302-171759_t.jpg) 03/02/13 5:17 PM |
![Electronics deck: A GPS and an Iridium satellite communications transceiver.](images/130302-171805_t.jpg) 03/02/13 5:18 PM |
![The power supply: 40 D-cell alkaline batteries. They were dead. My voltmeter read .7 volts total.](images/130302-171826_t.jpg) 03/02/13 5:18 PM |
![The power supply: 40 D-cell alkaline batteries. They were dead. My voltmeter read .7 volts total.](images/130302-171843_t.jpg) 03/02/13 5:18 PM |
![From bottom - trailed long wire for coupling to sea for antenna.](images/130302-172723_t.jpg) 03/02/13 5:27 PM |
![Sunny and 85F under the Hidden Treasure palapa this Sunday afternoon.](images/130303-150638_t.jpg) 03/03/13 3:06 PM |
![Birthday boy Jason](images/130303-150625_t.jpg) 03/03/13 3:06 PM |
![Looks like a nice day for Jason to fly a kite.](images/130303-152423_t.jpg) 03/03/13 3:24 PM |
![Looks like a nice day for Jason to fly a kite.](images/130303-152458_t.jpg) 03/03/13 3:24 PM |
![Looks like a nice day for Jason to fly a kite.](images/130303-152431_t.jpg) 03/03/13 3:24 PM |
![Looks like a nice day for Jason to fly a kite.](images/130303-152536_t.jpg) 03/03/13 3:25 PM |
![The Yacht Week bar staff ready for the madness.](images/130306-174216_t.jpg) 03/06/13 5:42 PM |
![The Yacht Week bar staff ready for the madness.](images/130306-174329_t.jpg) 03/06/13 5:43 PM |
![130306-181856.jpg](images/130306-181856_t.jpg) 03/06/13 6:18 PM |
![The Yacht Week at Cow Wreck - March 6](images/130306-212847_t.jpg) 03/06/13 9:28 PM |
![The Yacht Week at Cow Wreck - March 6](images/130306-212928_t.jpg) 03/06/13 9:29 PM |
![The Yacht Week at Cow Wreck - March 6](images/130306-230354_t.jpg) 03/06/13 11:03 PM |
![Yacht Week babes.](images/130306-230427_t.jpg) 03/06/13 11:04 PM |
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